Ethnic groups and religions

Ethnic groups and religions
The Senegalese people are made up of a large number of ethnic groups who live together in harmony. The definition of the word “ethnic group” is controversial, but today the linguistic criterion is used to distinguish these population groups and sub-groups. A 2005 classification enables us to distinguish the following groups:
- Wolofs are in the majority (43.3% of the population), located in the center-west and in urban centers. Their political weight is growing and their linguistic weight is very significant, Wolof being the first vernacular language, spoken by 95% of the population. The Lebous are related to the Wolofs.
- The Halpulaarens, a Fulani-speaking group, are the second largest group (23.8%). A distinction is made between the Toucouleurs and the Peuls. They generally occupy the Ferlo, the Senegal River Valley, the Badiar and Upper Casamance. Traditionally nomadic herders, they are now greatly affected by rural exodus and sedentarization (especially the Toucouleurs).
- The Sérères (14.7% of the population) are located mainly on the Petite-Côte and in the Saloum delta, along the coast. Sub-groups: Nduts, Safènes, Niominkas.
- The Diolas represent only 3.7% of the Senegalese population. These fishermen and rice farmers live mainly in Basse-Casamance.
Several minority groups with similar lifestyles live in the same territory as the Diolas, including the Manjaques, Mancagnes, Bandials, Karones and Balantes. - With 3% of the population, the Mandingue group includes sub-groups such as the Malinkés, Soninkés, Bambaras, Socés and Diakhankés.
- The Tendas group occupies the Eastern Senegal region. It includes the Bédiks, Bassaris, Badiarankés and Coniaguis ethnic groups.
- In Dakar, there is a strong African community from Ivory Coast, Nigeria and Morocco. In the cities and in the north of the country, the Moors are present, particularly in trade activities. Last but not least, many Europeans and Lebanese live in urban areas.
Ethnic groups in Senegal
Islam in Senegal comes from the branch of Sufism. It is the majority religion, being adopted by nearly 95% of the population. There are several brotherhoods: the Mouride brotherhood, the Layène brotherhood, the Qadiriyya brotherhood and the Tidjanes brotherhood.
The two main ones are the Mourides, founded by Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba (whose holy city is Touba and whose pilgrimage is the “Magal”) and the Tidjianes, founded by El Hadj Malik Sy (whose holy city is Tivaouane and whose pilgrimage is the “Gamou”).
In Senegal, the marabout plays an important role in the practice of Islam. The practice is handed down from father to son, and consists in the power to heal and guarantee the salvation of the faithful.
The marabout also teaches the Koran and presides over ceremonies. He earns his living with the help of his family, which is passed down from generation to generation.
Le Grand Magal de Touba
Christians make up less than 5% of the Senegalese population, and are mainly Catholics. This religion was first introduced to Casamance by Portuguese missionaries, then by French priests.
The Catholic community is mainly located in Casamance and Serer country, and in the main cities (Dakar and Saint-Louis). Their annual pilgrimage is to the town of Popenguine.
There is also a Protestant church in Senegal, but the number of practicing members is limited.
The Christian pilgrimage to Popenguine
Animist beliefs endure. We’re generally Muslim or Christian, but with some animist beliefs. Certain rites from traditional religions are still practiced today. Every living thing, plant and object has a soul. Nature is made up of four fundamental elements: earth, fire, water and air, governed by a superior being and intermediate deities.
The sacred is not accessible to everyone, and only intermediaries can bridge the gap: marabouts, griots and village elders. Animism is particularly strong in southern Senegal, in Basse-Casamance.
Animist ceremony in Casamance